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May 8th, 2023
FMCSA Updates Crash Preventability Determination Program

FMCSA is proposing to modify the description of 11 of the 16 crash categories and to add four new crash categories to the Crash Preventability Determination Program, according to a Federal Register notice.  The agency says this should expand the number of eligible crash submissions and help FMCSA fine-tune the Safety Measurement System process.

Blog, Regulations, Safety
May 1st, 2023
Revolutionizing Fleet Efficiency: Eleos Joins Forces with PrePass to Streamline Commercial Vehicle Operations

With this latest PrePass integration, fleets will experience increased driver satisfaction and fewer stops at weigh stations while enjoying an award-winning fleet management system, providing everything motor carriers need for a safe, compliant, and efficient operation. In addition, fleets receive real-time driver safety ALERTS™ for work zones, traffic congestion, dangerous slowdowns, available truck parking,  traffic incidents, rest areas, gusty winds, steep grades, truck parking, and no commercial vehicle areas.

Press Release
May 1st, 2023
New Whitepaper: How to Prevent a Truck Crash from Becoming a Catastrophe

In the new PrePass whitepaper, “How to Prevent a Truck Crash from Becoming a Catastrophe,” motor carriers will learn that fleets have distinct advantages when truck-involved accidents do occur. Principal among those advantages is that the motor carrier, through its truck drivers, often knows about the accident first and can take photos and gather facts before others — and their attorneys — ever get involved.

Blog, Regulations, Safety
April 27th, 2023
PrePass Insider Newsletter – April 2023

Truck net weights are coming under assault. And the threat comes not from an economic competitor, but from state and federal regulators. In this two-part blog series, we look at the efforts to regulate electric trucks, and the impending federal rulemaking on side underride guards, both from the weight standpoint. Learn more in this edition of the PrePass Insider newsletter.

Blog, Regulations
April 24th, 2023
Podcast #73: Truck Drivers Beware! CBD Products May Cause Career Altering Side Effects

Listen to this latest edition of the “Eyes on the Road” trucking podcast as Brandon Wiseman of Trucksafe Consulting discusses how CBD use can lead to truck drivers testing positive for marijuana, the repercussions of a positive drug test, if CBD use by truckers can lead to impaired driving, and more.

Blog, Podcasts, Regulations, Safety
April 20th, 2023
Learn How Your Trucking Operation Can Save Money on Toll Costs

Watch this video as Bob Trent of PrePass spoke with Heavy Duty Trucking magazine in an episode of “HDT Leadership Insights” about potential pitfalls in automatic electronic tolling and how motor carriers can avoid problems. 

April 17th, 2023
FMCSA Flagging Motor Carriers That Haven’t Updated Government Form

The football season may be over – at least for colleges and the NFL – but “flags” are flying at the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration. The agency is “flagging” motor carriers which have not updated their MCS-150 forms within the past two-years. Those motor carriers will receive closer scrutiny from the federal government and its law enforcement partners. Closer scrutiny is not always a good thing.

Blog, Regulations
April 13th, 2023
Trucking Faced with ‘Weighty’ Issues, Part 2

Regulations that add weight to a trucking combination effectively restrict the net weight available to carry cargo (the demand side). When the “supply side” net weights are reduced, either freight rates must go up or trucking profit margins go down to accommodate the “demand side” cargo. At some point, shrinking net weights may require more trucks to haul freight. In the highly competitive trucking industry, that would squeeze slim profit margins even more.

Blog, Regulations, Safety, Technology
April 10th, 2023
Trucking Faced with ‘Weighty’ Issues, Part 1

In this two-part series, we will look at the efforts to regulate electric vehicles, specifically electric trucks, and the impending federal rulemaking on side underride guards, both from the weight standpoint. While those regulatory changes are not proposed with the intent of reducing truck net weights – and potentially some carriers’ profit margins – the economic impacts are real, but seldom discussed.

Blog, Regulations, Safety, Technology
April 6th, 2023
Nominations Now Open for International Driver Excellence Award, Sponsored by PrePass

This annual award recognizes individuals who go above and beyond the performance of their duties as a commercial vehicle driver. IDEA drivers distinguish themselves conspicuously and beyond the call of duty through long-term achievement in safe operation and compliance carried out with evident distinction. Nominated drivers must be of personal character beyond reproach without any disqualifying behavior.

Blog, Safety, Trucking Community
April 3rd, 2023
UCR Fees Proposed to Decrease Again in 2024

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) announced a proposed 9% decrease in UCR fees beginning next year. That reduction follows the 31% decrease carriers enjoyed in 2023. Due to changes in how FMCSA will estimate UCR fees in the future, it looks likely that the fees will increase in 2025.

Blog, Regulations
March 30th, 2023
FMCSA Updates Drug and Alcohol Clearinghouse Notifications

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration is expanding the timeframe in which it will notify motor carriers of a change in a driver’s Drug and Alcohol Clearinghouse information. Previously, the clearinghouse only sent a notification when a change regarding motor carrier’s driver occurred within 30 days of a pre-employment query. Now the clearinghouse will send notifications of all changes occurring within 12 months of a pre-employment query or the annual queries a motor carrier must conduct on each driver.

Blog, Regulations

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