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February 13th, 2023
California Proposes Zero-Emission Trucks, Cracks Down on Polluters

The California Air Resources Board has announced its proposed Advanced Clean Fleets program. A hallmark of ACF was the mandatory purchase of zero-emission trucks when replacing vehicles. For some fleets, that requirement would kick in as early as 2024. However, as an option, affected carriers could choose to convert from 10% to 50% of their California fleet to zero-emission trucks by 2031

Blog, Regulations
February 8th, 2023
PrePass Insider Newsletter – February 2023

In the recent U.S. Transportation Department Significant Rulemakings Report, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration said it will be seeking information on how to more effectively identify unsafe motor carriers and remove them from the highway. While this sounds like the mission of the agency’s Compliance, Safety, Accountability program, FMCSA didn’t mention CSA at all in the report. Why did this happen?

Blog, Regulations, Safety, Trucking Community
February 6th, 2023
Is CSA Reform Back on the Table for Trucking?

While CSA was an improvement over its predecessor safety evaluation program, trucking industry reviewers noted its weaknesses. Not every BASIC, for example, was a good predictor of future crashes, and the assignment of violation severity could be arbitrary.

Blog, Regulations, Safety
February 2nd, 2023
FMCSA Proposes New Freight Broker and Freight Forwarder Financial Rules

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration has issued a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking to implement financial responsibility policies for freight brokers and freight forwarders. The proposed changes, FMCSA asserts, would benefit motor carriers when dealing with the small percentage of brokers and freight forwarders who do not meet their regulatory obligations and withhold payments to carriers.

Blog, Regulations
January 30th, 2023
New Year’s Resolution: Listen to the Drivers

When we listen to truck drivers throughout the industry, we learn about many opportunities for improvement. Listening is exactly what the American Transportation Research Institute does every year in its Top Industry Issues survey. In 2022, over 4,200 industry stakeholders across North America responded to the ATRI survey. The largest percentage of respondents, 42.7%, were professional truck drivers.

Blog, Trucking Community
January 26th, 2023
How to Keep Toll Costs from Eating into Your Truck Fleet’s Bottom Line

Failing to pay a small toll on time can lead to a $500 problem as penalties and late fees quickly add up. A 100-truck fleet can easily incur a $1 million problem with a single tolling agency. Motor carriers may not even realize a toll problem exists until it is too late. Fleets must wrangle control of their toll spending to protect their profitability. The PrePass webinar, “How to Keep Toll Costs from Eating into Your Truck Fleet’s Bottom Line,” shares practical tips to keep fleet toll costs in check.

Blog, Trucking Community
January 24th, 2023
Federal Civil Penalties for Trucking Skyrocket

Anyone who lived through this last year would not be surprised at the OMB result – inflation was at a 40-year high, and now, so too is the adjustment in civil penalties. Effective immediately, penalties have gone up a whopping 7.745%. That includes the civil penalties levied by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration.

Blog, Regulations, Safety
January 16th, 2023
The Risks of Truck Drivers Using CBD

Sales of products containing cannabidiol (CBD) continue growing by leaps and bounds. And their increasing popularity is likely putting more truckers and motor carrier fleets at risk. Until the Food & Drug Administration or other federal agencies tighten their regulations on CBD products, the risk of testing positive for marijuana after using CBD products is real.

Blog, Regulations, Safety
January 13th, 2023
PrePass Insider Newsletter – January 2023

The PrePass Insider newsletter is your monthly digest of trucking news and everything PrePass. Not subscribed to this newsletter? Subscribe now. Read about: New Trucking Regulations You Can Expect in 2023, FMCSA Seeks to Modify Emergency Exemptions, Get More Bypass Location Coverage with the PrePass App and more!

Blog, Regulations, Safety, Trucking Community
January 11th, 2023
FMCSA Seeks to Modify Emergency Exemptions

Existing federal regulations grant an automatic 30-day exemption from Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations to motor carriers and drivers providing direct assistance to emergency relief efforts. Relief efforts go into effect whenever the president, a state governor, or FMCSA declares an emergency. FMCSA is proposing to modify the relief automatically granted and the length of time those exemptions are available.

Blog, Regulations
January 9th, 2023
Podcast #71: New Trucking Regulations You Can Expect in 2023

Listen to this new episode of the “Eyes on the Road” podcast as we discuss anticipated rules when it comes to truck speed limiters; truck driver drug and alcohol testing; universal IDs for trucks; independent contractors (owner-operators); the Compliance, Safety, Accountability program; and much more! Hear from former FMCSA Deputy Administrator Warren Hoemann, now a PrePass regulatory consultant, on what these changes could mean for both truck drivers and motor carriers.

Blog, Podcasts, Regulations
January 5th, 2023
Chris Murray Becomes President of PrePass

PrePass Safety Alliance acquired the technology firm that Murray will lead in June 2022. Since its inception 30 years ago, the connected vehicle organization acted as the primary vendor for the Alliance and has been held by a succession of commercial giants, including Lockheed Martin, Xerox, and Conduent. In 2018, it was spun off as a stand-alone company named CVO, which has been rebranded as PrePass.

Press Release

1 - 136 of 136 matching resources