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January 5th, 2023
Homeland Security Further Extends REAL ID Deadline

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security announced a 24-month extension of the deadline for full enforcement of the REAL ID. The deadline had been May 3, 2023, less than five months away. Now full enforcement of the REAL ID will begin May 7, 2025. While a REAL ID is not necessary to simply drive on the highway, possessing a REAL ID opens more business opportunities for commercial drivers.

Blog, Regulations, Trucking Community
January 3rd, 2023
What to Expect with New Trucking Rules in 2023

A look at the U.S. Department of Transportation Significant Rulemaking Report coupled with new Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration efforts in 2022 leads to one conclusion: 2023 will be a very big year for trucking regulations! Here are the likely 2023 rulemakings and government actions by category.

Blog, Regulations, Safety, Trucking Community
December 29th, 2022
How Did That Trucking Company Ever Get on The Road?

Motor carriers and professional truck drivers are essential to our lives. As a law enforcement officer, I saw the hard-working folks in trucking as a partner in highway safety and often in emergency response. Still, there were those times when my colleagues and I were left wondering, “How did that carrier ever get on the road?”

Blog, Regulations, Safety
December 27th, 2022
A Look Back at Trucking During 2022

At the beginning of 2022, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration forecast several important rulemakings that did not come to full fruition. FMCSA would, according to the Fall 2021 edition of the Unified Regulatory Agenda, adopt regulations imposing time or mileage limits on the personal conveyance use of commercial motor vehicles, automatic emergency braking, and a re-examination of the Compliance, Safety, Accountability program the agency uses to evaluate motor carrier safety.

Blog, Regulations, Safety
December 22nd, 2022
A Christmas Letter to Truck Driver Families

When you have done more than just taking care of operations, when you have taken care of your staff, do one more thing and write a holiday letter to the truck driver families. Share all the steps you and your team take in the interest of truck driver safety. Tell them how the time and hard work of their special person means that others will enjoy a better holiday season and a brighter new year.

Blog, Safety, Trucking Community
December 19th, 2022
FMCSA Clarifies Key Brokerage Definitions

Is that “dispatch service” helping a motor carrier secure new business operating as a “bona fide agent” of the carrier or is it a “broker”? An important distinction when the latter comes with the required broker authority and a $75,000 bond or trust fund. In the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA), Congress directed the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration to clarify these three terms and discuss whether advancements in technology call for a change in regulatory definitions.

Blog, Regulations
December 16th, 2022
What NHTSA’s New Rules for Cars Say about Trucks

Cars and trucks do share the road, so how manufacturers equip future cars will impact the interaction between the two types of vehicles. Second, what National Highway Traffic Safety Administration intends for cars today may say much about what they look to develop for trucks tomorrow.

Blog, Regulations, Safety
December 15th, 2022
PrePass Insider Newsletter – December 2022

The U. S. Department of Transportation recently released its Significant Rulemaking Report. It covers prospective actions that would: have an annual effect on the economy of $100 million or more, adversely affect a sector of the economy, or have possible other outcomes. This report shows there are six possible new rulemaking actions by the FMCSA that would meet this standard.

Blog, Regulations, Trucking Community
December 14th, 2022
New Whitepaper: Understanding Electronic IDs for Trucks

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration is exploring a device that would allow roadside enforcement to electronically identify and perhaps monitor the condition of drivers and commercial motor vehicles on the highway. But it is also raising a lot of questions.

Blog, Regulations, Safety
December 12th, 2022
NHTSA Forecasts 3 Truck-Specific Significant Rulemakings

The recent Significant Rulemaking Report from the U. S. Department of Transportation shows three truck-specific rulemakings at NHTSA. As a reminder, “significant” rulemakings come with a major economic impact or may interfere with the plans of other regulatory agencies, such as FMCSA. In other words, the “significant” rulemaking label means “pay attention.”

Blog, Regulations, Safety
December 8th, 2022
New FMCSA Drug & Alcohol Clearinghouse Rules Start in January

Beginning Jan. 6, 2023, prospective employers must not conduct manual inquiries. Instead, they must make electronic pre-employment queries through the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration’s Drug and Alcohol Clearinghouse. There are three things to bear in mind. Read more in this PrePass blog.

Blog, Regulations, Safety
December 6th, 2022
Safe Trucking with Old Man Winter

Winter driving conditions mean all you and your team’s planning and preparation will be put into practice. Hopefully, you sat down with your dispatchers and drivers last spring and ran through the lessons learned over the previous winter – which roads proved troublesome in winter weather, which of the usual parking spots filled up when the snow fell, and which customer locations required a little extra time to reach.

Blog, Safety

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