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June 28th, 2023
Podcast #74: The Beginning of the End for Trucks Waiting at Red Lights?

Listen to this new episode of the “Eyes on the Road” trucking podcast and learn about a new pilot program in a major metropolitan area to speed up truck movement by ensuring truckers get as many green lights as possible. Dr. Douglas Gettman of Kimley-Horn, the firm that developed this exciting new technology, will tell you how to sign up for this free service he expects to roll out to more cities in the coming year.

Blog, Podcasts
June 26th, 2023
FMCSA Enlists Truck Drivers to Prevent Human Trafficking

Through the “Your Roads, Their Freedom” campaign and other federal agency efforts, the U.S. Department of Transportation aims to empower America’s transportation workforce to become the eyes and ears of a collective effort. FMCSA is making a variety of campaign materials available to help spread awareness: 

Blog, Safety, Trucking Community
June 22nd, 2023
Combating Road Rage with Safe, Calm Truck Driving

As a fleet manager, you should be aware that the anonymity of operating a commercial motor vehicle – your truck drivers up there, isolated from the world – can trigger road rage in both directions. To some passenger car drivers, that truck is inhuman. It is just an enormous machine, occupying too much space on the road, blocking the view of traffic. No wonder some car drivers cut into a truck’s safety zone, the following distance needed for a safe stop. Those motorists feel only their own frustration.

Blog, Safety, Trucking Community
June 19th, 2023
PrePass Insider Newsletter – June 2023

The Federal Motor Carrier Administration (FMCSA) is slowing the move to speed limiters by postponing a proposed rulemaking release. Initially targeted for June, FMCSA Administrator Robin Hutcheson recently said the agency won’t release its proposal until the end of summer or early fall.

June 15th, 2023
FMCSA Study Dives Deep into Truck Crash Causes

Why a new study?  Much has changed in truck safety and highway safety over the last 20 years. Today, CMVs come equipped with advanced safety technologies, such as stability controls, electronic logging devices, and automatic emergency braking. On the other hand, today’s drivers hit the road with access to cell phones and operate at higher speeds in more congested situations.

Blog, Regulations, Safety
June 8th, 2023
Why Truckers Need to Be Alert for Roadway Flooding

At long last, we are feeling warmer temperatures! Can we relax? No. Melting snows are now adding water to rapidly-filling streams and rivers. Those waterways are often already full from heavy winter rains which fell on frozen ground and were not absorbed by the soil. And in many parts of the country, hurricane season, which runs June 1 – Nov. 30, is just around the corner along with its torrential downpours.

Blog, Safety
June 5th, 2023
New FMCSA Hours of Service Data Muddled by COVID-19

So when Congress requested a report from FMCSA on the safety implications of the four HOS rule changes, FMCSA responded that the data was “inconclusive.” While the number of truck driver inspections showing HOS violations and those that placed the driver out of service had each ticked up, the large truck crash rate and large truck fatality rate showed no statistically significant changes.

Blog, Regulations, Safety
May 30th, 2023
Truck Speed Limiter Rulemaking Hits a Speed Bump

Why the delay? To begin with, the speed limiter proposal generated 15,600 comments. FMCSA reads and catalogs each and every rulemaking comment. Even “form letters” are tallied. But rulemakings amount to more than vote counts. FMCSA must also consider the content of the comments received. Effective comments use facts, data, and direct personal experience or cite relevant studies.

Blog, Regulations, Trucking Community
May 24th, 2023
California Approves Advanced Clean Fleet Rules for Trucks

The California Air Resources Board (CARB) unanimously approved its Advanced Clean Fleet (ACF) rules in late April, setting the stage for the state to completely ban the use of diesel-powered trucks. The CARB goal is that all fleets operating in that state will be 100% electric by 2035, 2040 or 2045, based on the size or type of truck.

Blog, Regulations
May 18th, 2023
PrePass Insider Newsletter – May 2023

“Flags” are flying at the FMCSA. The agency is “flagging” motor carriers which have not updated their MCS-150 forms within the past two-years. Those motor carriers will receive closer scrutiny from the federal government and its law enforcement partners. Closer scrutiny is not always a good thing. Read why is FMCSA so concerned about a paperwork requirement.

Blog, Regulations
May 16th, 2023
Feds OK Rules for Oral Fluids Drug Testing of Truck Drivers

The Final Rule says that employers may now choose to use either oral fluids or urine samples for any federally-required drug tests. Each methodology is accurate and now both are legally accepted. The choice of which methodology to use is up to the employer, not the employee. Oral fluids testing is a practical solution for roadside, post-crash and reasonable suspicion tests of truck drivers where timely access to a facility for collection of a urine sample may not be possible.

Blog, Regulations, Trucking Community
May 11th, 2023
NHSTA’s Side Underride Guards Proposal for Truck Trailers Contains Many Unknowns

NHTSA makes it clear that the side underride guards it is considering are not the “lateral protective devices” common in Europe. Carriers use those  devices to prevent pedestrians and cyclists from entering the space under a truck trailer. The devices under consideration are also not the very light-weight airflow deflectors seen on semitrailers in the U.S. as a fuel efficiency measure. No other country requires side underride guards.

Blog, Regulations, Safety

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