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January 8th, 2024
Clearinghouse II: Truckers Must Complete Return-To-Duty Process or Lose Their CDL

The “prohibited” clearinghouse status means that a person holding a commercial driver’s license or a commercial learner’s permit engaged in the prohibited use of drugs or alcohol or refused a drug or alcohol test. Those CDL or CLP holders cannot legally operate a commercial motor vehicle.

Blog, Regulations, Safety
January 3rd, 2024
Podcast #77: Expect These New & Updated Trucking Regulations in 2024

Listen to this new episode of the “Eyes on the Road” podcast as we discuss what you can expect with Warren Hoemann, a PrePass consultant and a former second in command at the FMCSA. He talks about new trucking rules involving: speed limiters, automatic emergency braking, side underride guards, hair testing truckers for illegal drugs, electronic truck identification, brokers and freight forwarders and much more.

Blog, Podcasts, Regulations, Safety
December 28th, 2023
Navigating the Road Ahead: A Sneak Peek into 2024’s Trucking Regulatory Landscape

As busy as the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, and other federal regulatory agencies were during 2023, they couldn’t finalize everything on their rulemaking agendas in one calendar year. So, 2024 will offer the continuation of many rulemakings from 2023. Will these regulators take on anything completely new in 2024? The Unified Regulatory Agenda says yes… but remember that the dates shown for agency actions are only estimates.

Blog, Regulations, Safety, Trucking Community
December 26th, 2023
Navigating the Trucking Regulatory Landscape: A Recap of 2023

From the contentious discussions surrounding truck speed limiters to the examination of unique identification devices (UIDs) transmitting truck data to law enforcement, each development brought its own set of challenges and even controversy. This recap delves into the key highlights of changes in trucking regulations during 2023, providing insights into critical areas such as: automatic emergency braking, side underride guards, drug and alcohol testing procedures, and the evolving landscape of broker and freight forwarder regulations, among other areas.

Blog, Regulations, Safety, Trucking Community
December 21st, 2023
Take a Look Back Before Planning The Trucking Year Ahead

We talked about a lot of things this past year. Along the way we underscored the need to continually update federal forms in March, as well as continually exercise self-restraint in August. We urged awareness around athletic team buses in September and respect for crash responders  in October. We even peeked at possible new technology in July and more. While the topics changed, one consistent theme repeated throughout 2023: the need to be proactive.

Blog, Regulations, Safety, Trucking Community
December 18th, 2023
FMCSA Raises Broker & Freight Forwarder Financial Responsibilities

Motor carriers have new protections against broker and freight forwarder fraud. The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration issued a final rule on broker and freight forwarder financial responsibilities with the aim of alleviating the effects of broker or trustee non-payment of claims. FMCSA says it listened closely to motor carrier and trucking association concerns and proposals found in the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking when making the changes to how it regulates brokers.

Blog, Regulations, Trucking Community
December 13th, 2023
NLRB Joint-Employer Rule May Increase Trucking Labor Costs

The rule sets forth the factors the NLRB will examine when deciding whether two companies may be considered “jointly” responsible for the same employee. Joint responsibility potentially exposes both companies to legal damages for violation of worker’s rights and protections under law. Joint responsibility also opens a non-unionized company to the unionization efforts or grievances at another company. Founded in 1935, the NLRB is an independent federal agency protecting employees from unfair labor practices.

Blog, Regulations, Trucking Community
December 11th, 2023
Three Ps Can Help Your Truck Fleet Deliver on Time This Holiday Season

As a fleet manager, on-time delivery is your daily focus. But this time of year brings heightened expectations and a public awareness that the food, toys, and all the fixings and trimmings probably travel somewhere out there on a truck. This time of year also brings winter weather and distracted motorists scurrying to make their own appointed rounds.What to do? Follow the three Ps.

Blog, Safety, Trucking Community
December 7th, 2023
FMCSA Making Improvements to Complaint Website

FMCSA largely agreed with the GAO findings and is acting to improve the website. As a result, truckers will no longer need to wonder who to contact at FMCSA about a complaint, who to talk to about coercion or harassment of truck drivers or attempted double-brokering of loads. NCCDB website improvements under the GAO guidance should make the instructions easier to follow. The complaints will, in turn, be routed by category to the appropriate FMCSA personnel for action.

Blog, Regulations, Trucking Community
December 4th, 2023
Videos Series Launched to Increase Trucker Safety

While local truckers may be familiar with Colorado’s highways, those from out of state often are new to the intricacies of navigating winter driving conditions along steep mountain corridors, understanding chain and traction laws, managing hot brakes, and adhering to Colorado’s “move over law.” Each topic has its own dedicated, brief video as part of the overall series to help prepare drivers.

Blog, Safety, Trucking Community
November 30th, 2023
A Vital Component of Truck Safety: Understanding Roadside Inspection Reports

One key aspect of the blog is the importance of addressing violations promptly, including steps drivers and carriers should take if inspectors find violations. This inspection follow-up includes acknowledging the violations, taking corrective action, and ensuring completion of necessary repairs before the vehicle returns to service. Roadside inspection reports are not just a compliance requirement; they also serve as a tool for improving truck safety.

Blog, Regulations, Safety
November 27th, 2023
ACT NOW! Access to Your FMCSA Accounts Is Changing.

The new government security system becomes effective beginning Jan. 1, 2024. But FMCSA is requiring users of its portal to convert to the new multifactor identification system by Dec. 1, 2023. Moving forward, as of next year, all access will be through Login.gov. You can find directions on converting to the new access system on the FMCSA website.

Blog, Regulations, Trucking Community

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