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November 21st, 2023
FMCSA Finalizes Changes to Emergency Trucking Exemptions

In its Notice of Proposed Rulemaking early this year, FMCSA proposed to automatically grant waivers of hours-of-service regulations for motor carriers and drivers providing relief in emergencies. However, the agency said that the automatic waiver of other safety regulations – such as truck driver qualification or vehicle parts and accessories – is not truly related to emergency relief efforts. FMCSA also proposed to limit the exemption period of emergency declarations by a governor or by FMCSA itself to five days, retaining today’s 30-day exemption period only for declarations by the president.

Blog, Regulations, Safety
November 13th, 2023
Superheroes Wear Reflective Vests

It may seem that we have a day, a week, or a month for every possible group or interest. But for those who make their living on the highway, or, like me, who once enforced our highway safety laws, it is important to recognize those who respond when things go wrong. And, it is just as important to prevent things from getting worse.

Blog, Safety
November 6th, 2023
Podcast #76: Insider Tips for Reducing Your Truck Toll Costs & Frustrations

Listen to this new episode of the “Eyes on the Road” podcast as we look at the many different ways tolls can costs carriers, not just in terms of money, but also when it comes to time, resources and even frustration. More importantly, you will learn how you can reduce the amount of time, money and resources you are spending on tolls, giving you more time to concentrate on the real business of trucking…hauling freight!

Blog, Podcasts, Trucking Community
November 2nd, 2023
Cost/Benefit Changes = More Federal Trucking Regulations?

As part of the government cost/benefit analysis, some proposals are considered “significant regulatory actions” and become subject to more intense scrutiny. There are other reasons a rulemaking may be deemed “significant,” but the cost/benefit relationship is a major one. Think of it like an unanticipated bill – those proposed regulations exceeded the government budgetary limit (measured by “annual effect on the economy”) for rulemakings.

Blog, Regulations, Safety
October 30th, 2023
ATRI: The Finger on the Pulse of Trucking

Many believe we live in an era of disinformation and distrust of those who report the news. That’s why it is reassuring to know that someone actively listens to trucking industry concerns and then responds with thoughtful research on meeting those challenges. All done transparently and for free. The American Transportation Research Institute (ATRI) fulfills this vital role. ATRI operates as a non-profit research organization and part of the American Trucking Associations Federation, whose driving purpose is the safety and productivity of trucking.

Blog, Safety, Trucking Community
October 26th, 2023
Stop Toll Management from Taking a Toll on Your Trucking Operation

Toll roads are a $5 billion annual challenge for U.S. trucking companies. Granted, they may offer quicker routes on the road, but in the office, they create administrative work that takes a toll on operational efficiency. If managing tolls is diverting your staff and office resources from more important dispatch and accounting functions, then it’s time to consider using a service that will save time and money while addressing your urgent needs.

Blog, Safety, Trucking Community
October 24th, 2023
Trucking Things to Know Now, Part 11: Federal Regulatory Updates

The U.S. Transportation Department’s recently updated its Significant Rulemaking Report. Some parties quickly pronounced that the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration appeared to settle on a maximum 68 mph for truck speed limiters, applicable to model year 2003 and newer trucks equipped with electronic engine control units.

Blog, Regulations, Safety
October 18th, 2023
Carriers May Get Another Challenge to Truck Crash, Inspection Data

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration is offering reassurance to motor carriers utilizing its DataQs system to challenge inaccuracies in truck crash and inspection data. No longer would appeals of DataQs decisions be ruled on by the same state-level personnel who made the original determination and then denied its reconsideration, according to FMCSA’s proposal in the Federal Register.

Blog, Regulations, Safety, Trucking Community
October 16th, 2023
PrePass Welcomes Brennen Carson as Chief Revenue Officer

Carson’s impressive journey in the trucking technology sector has been marked by transformative leadership and revenue acceleration. He brings to PrePass a wealth of experience and an unwavering passion for pioneering change.

Press Release
October 11th, 2023
FMCSA Overhaul of Key Truck Safety Program Begins

UPDATED – The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration has published an Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking to potentially redo the Safety Fitness Determination process, which is part of its comprehensive Compliance, Safety, Accountability truck safety program. The SFD process can result in a declaration that a motor carrier is unfit and thereby prohibited from operating commercial motor vehicles in interstate commerce. This ANPRM falls hard on the heels of the FMCSA notice proposing to change its Safety Measurement System.

Blog, Regulations, Safety
October 5th, 2023
Why Trucking Needs to Take Extra Care During ‘Friday Night Lights’

Athletic teams often travel on buses owned by charter companies or the school district that look nothing like a traditional school bus. They are out on the open road with commercial traffic. They may look like intercity commercial buses and operate under the same federal and state safety regulations. But their safety performance makes them worthy of extra caution.

Blog, Safety, Trucking Community
October 2nd, 2023
FMCSA to Gather Data about Truck Driver Detention and Truck Maintenance

FMCSA would look at the frequency and severity of detention time, contributing factors, and outcomes, including lost productivity, supply chain impacts, hours of service violations, and accidents. The agency proposes to use a working definition that detention occurs when dwell time – total time at a facility – exceeds two hours.

Blog, Regulations, Safety

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