truck safety

Urinalysis Fails to Catch Most Truck Driver Drug Use

A multiyear study commissioned by 10 major trucking companies concludes that urinalysis, the drug-testing method sanctioned by the U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT) for truck drivers, fails to identify about 90% of actual drug use. The study by the University of Central Arkansas compared more than 936,000 truck driver pre-employment

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Truck Safety Alert – Liquid Natural Gas or Hydrogen

Potential dangers during inspections of compressed or liquid natural gas or hydrogen bulk packages contained within a truck trailer or cargo tank have sparked warnings from several commercial vehicle safety organizations. The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA), the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA), and the Commercial Vehicle

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Truck Safety Alert –Liquid Natural Gas or Hydrogen

Potential dangers during inspections of compressed or liquid natural gas or hydrogen bulk packages contained within a truck trailer or cargo tank have sparked warnings from several commercial vehicle safety organizations. The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA), the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA), and the Commercial Vehicle

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Coming Down the Pike: Updated Trucking Regulatory Agenda

What’s on the minds of federal trucking regulators? A look at the latest Unified Regulatory Agenda provides some clues. The Unified Regulatory Agenda displays the anticipated regulatory activity by departments and agencies across the federal government. “Anticipated” is a key word, as the dates shown for agency actions often slip.

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Can You Pass This Trucking Speed Quiz?

By: Steve Vaughn, senior vice president of field operations, PrePass Safety Alliance Commercial law enforcement in North America focuses on unsafe behavior by car and truck drivers. The most frequent reason enforcement pulls drivers over? Speeding. As a fleet manager or truck driver, you know that speeding can lead to

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NHTSA/FMCSA Propose Automatic Emergency Braking for Trucks

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) and the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) are jointly proposing an automatic emergency braking standard for all heavy vehicles above 10,000 pounds (vehicle classes 3-8). Commonly referred to as AEB, the technology uses cameras and radar to detect stopped, decelerating, or slower

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Underrides and Undercounts: The PBS “Frontline” Report on Trucking

Recently, the Public Broadcasting System (PBS) aired a “Frontline” report on “America’s Dangerous Trucks.” The television program focused on an investigation by ProPublica into car-truck accidents where the passenger vehicle underrides the truck chassis, often resulting in fatalities. ProPublica indicated the simple requirement that truck trailers have side underride guards

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FMCSA Enlists Truck Drivers to Prevent Human Trafficking

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) recently launched its new human trafficking prevention campaign — “Your Roads, Their Freedom.” The agency seeks to give the nation’s 8.7 million commercial motor vehicle (CMV) drivers the information needed to identify and report suspected human trafficking. Most in the trucking industry understand

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Combating Road Rage with Safe, Calm Truck Driving

By: Steve Vaughn, senior vice president of field operations, PrePass Safety Alliance The pickup truck sped up close to the bumper of the slow-moving car, then backed off. Speeding up again, it sharply pulled alongside the car driver’s door. I could clearly see the pickup driver screaming and gesticulating. “Foolish

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PrePass Insider Newsletter – June 2023

The PrePass Insider newsletter is your monthly digest of trucking news and everything PrePass. Not subscribed to this newsletter? Subscribe now. The Beginning of the End for Trucks Waiting at Red Lights? How many times have you or one of your trucks been making great time for a pickup or delivery

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