truck safety

A Vital Component of Truck Safety: Understanding Roadside Inspection Reports

Truck safety is a paramount concern for both drivers and fleets. Roadside inspections play a crucial role in ensuring the safe operation of commercial vehicles on the road. These inspections help identify potential safety hazards and violations, ensuring that trucks are compliant with safety regulations. A blog from TruckSafe Consulting

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FMCSA Finalizes Changes to Emergency Trucking Exemptions

The trucking industry remembers the COVID-19 pandemic very well. From 2020 to 2022, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) issued nine emergency declarations, waiving specific sections of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations (FMCSRs) to facilitate emergency relief efforts by motor carriers. With each emergency declaration update, FMCSA adjusted

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Superheroes Wear Reflective Vests

By: Steve Vaughn, senior vice president of field operations, PrePass Safety Alliance Nov. 13-17, 2023, is Crash Responder Safety Week. It may seem that we have a day, a week, or a month for every possible group or interest. But for those who make their living on the highway, or,

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Cost/Benefit Changes = More Federal Trucking Regulations?

As a motor carrier you have budgetary limits on your departments. As a truck driver you know some costs require pre-approval. Those limits exist to ensure the company has the cash flow needed for expenses. Through experience, you all have learned just how much things cost. So, when a bill

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ATRI: The Finger on the Pulse of Trucking

Many believe we live in an era of disinformation and distrust of those who report the news. That’s why it is reassuring to know that someone actively listens to trucking industry concerns and then responds with thoughtful research on meeting those challenges. All done transparently and for free. The American

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Carriers May Get Another Challenge to Truck Crash, Inspection Data

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) is offering reassurance to motor carriers utilizing its DataQs system to challenge inaccuracies in truck crash and inspection data. No longer would appeals of DataQs decisions be ruled on by the same state-level personnel who made the original determination and then denied its

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FMCSA Overhaul of Key Truck Safety Program Begins

UPDATED – The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration has published an Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (ANPRM) to potentially redo the Safety Fitness Determination (SFD) process, which is part of its comprehensive Compliance, Safety, Accountability (CSA) truck safety program. The SFD process can result in a declaration that a motor

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Why Trucking Needs to Take Extra Care During ‘Friday Night Lights’

By: Steve Vaughn, senior vice president of field operations, PrePass Safety Alliance You may recall the 2004 movie “Friday Night Lights” or the 2006-2011 TV series of the same name. According to its producers, “Friday Night Lights” depicted the “intense and sometimes extreme culture of high school football in small

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FMCSA to Gather Data about Truck Driver Detention and Truck Maintenance

Two notices recently published in the Federal Register may provide clues to where the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) is heading on important trucking regulations: driver detention and truck maintenance. These notices, known formally as Information Collection Requests (ICR) are required any time a federal agency looks to access

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Taking Control of Speeding in Your Truck Fleet

By: Steve Vaughn, senior vice president of field operations, PrePass Safety Alliance “It’s all about control.” That’s what I hear from frustrated fleet managers and their professional drivers – the government is trying to control our every action. Take the speed limiter proposal, they say. “It’s the government bureaucrats, most

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Get Ready for Next-Level Vehicle Technology: V2X

Imagine driving down a city street. The traffic light ahead senses the speed of your approach and stays green for your benefit. Then imagine that the same traffic light sends you a message to keep your speed at 34 mph and you will have green lights at every intersection. The

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The Trucking Lawsuit Problem and How to Fix It

“Nuclear verdicts.” “Reptile courtroom tactics.” Billboard attorneys are assaulting the trucking industry through litigation, with multi-million-dollar awards becoming more and more common. The American Transportation Research Institute (ATRI) documents and studies the impact of litigation on trucking, tracking both large and small but numerous verdicts. Now the U.S. Chamber of

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