truck safety

Canada to Require Trucks to Have ELDs Starting in Mid-2021

Following the U.S. requiring most commercial trucks to be equipped with electronic logging devices (ELDs) by the end of this year, Canada’s trucking regulator is following a similar path. Beginning June 12, 2021, Transport Canada will require the devices when trucking north of the border, replacing paper logs. The Canadian

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Summertime and the Truck Drivin’ Isn’t Easy

Steve Vaughn, vice president of field operations, PrePass Safety Alliance This blog originally appeared on the IdeaXchange. With apologies to George Gershwin and his musical “Porgy and Bess,” summertime driving may bring relief from a long, cold winter and a rainy, blustery spring, but it offers challenges of its

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Simple Steps You Can Take So International Roadcheck Counts in Your Favor

By Steve Vaughn, vice president of field operations, PrePass Safety Alliance This blog originally appeared on the IdeaXchange. Every year the Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance (CVSA) stages an all-out 72-hour inspection effort, called International Roadcheck. This June 4-6 will be no different, as U.S. federal and state inspectors, plus

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New Whitepaper Compares Truck Weigh Station Bypass Service Providers

Trucking companies using weigh station bypass services save more than $8.68 and five minutes each time their truck bypasses a truck weigh station, according to a Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration calculation. However, each system operates differently, meaning what works well for one fleet, be it large or small or

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