Guest: Brad Klepper, truck driver defense attorney

The subject of whether it’s permissible for truck drivers to possess a firearm in the cab or sleeper of their rig is far from cut and dry. Some say it is one of the most complicated trucking legal issues there is.

Listen to this episode of the “Eyes on the Road” trucking podcast, presented by PrePass, as host Evan Lockridge talks with truck driver defense attorney Brad Klepper of Drivers Legal Plan. They discuss what the laws are when it comes to truckers possessing guns and how one court case changed the way fleets can set policies about guns. They also talk what fleets need to do when it comes to having a policy for both company drivers and owner-operators possessing firearms on the road.

“Eyes on the Road” is the official podcast from PrePass, the most expansive weigh station bypass and toll management platform available. Other services include INFORM™ software and the MOTION™ app.

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