Like many other fleet operating expenses such as fuel, lease payments and maintenance costs, the cost of tolls is also increasing. From 2014 to 2023, the average marginal costs of tolls per mile have risen from $0.023 to $0.034, an increase of 21.4%, according to the American Transportation Research Institute (ATRI). While 21% over 9 years may not sound like much, based on the number of vehicles in your fleet and the tolls your drivers may encounter, it can add up quickly. For fleets that travel through tolling stations across multiple states, it can be challenging to go back and validate toll charges weeks after the charge was made.

PrePass has a new solution designed to help fleets of all sizes with their tolling costs, GPS Toll Verification. It utilizes a proprietary machine-learning engine and GPS technology to automatically match vehicle locations when a toll was triggered to toll charges, confirming the accurate toll charge was applied and proactively identifying potential billing inaccuracies.

Using GPS-based data from the PrePass Mobile App, a telematics service provider (TSP) already in use by customers for routing or ELD use or API files, it’s easy to begin validating tolling charges. This will help fleets to see the details in their tolling charges, and ensure they are not overpaying. It also helps to reduce the administrative burden that fleets spend to try to resolve tolling questions or file disputes with each tolling agency.

The GPS Toll Verification process will deliver insights that empower fleets to manage tolling expenses more effectively or to initiate tolling disputes, which PrePass can process on behalf of its customers.

The INFORMâ„¢ Tolling dashboard provides status updates for toll charges in GPS Toll Verification, such as total dollar amount of tolls under review, in dispute, and GPS-verified disputes.

Interested in learning how GPS Toll Verification can help your fleet gain visibility into tolling charges and ensure you’re not overpaying? Contact PrePass today at [email protected] or 1-800-PrePass (1-800-773-7277)

Source: ATRI Operational Cost of Trucking Survey in June 2024