Refrigerated food and candy distributor, serving five Rocky Mountain states
14 company drivers

When a trucking company has been around more than 50 years running regular routes in five Rocky Mountain states, you soon realize what works best and you stick with it. For Tom Lee, the owner and vice president of operations and safety, at Denver, Colorado-based Empire Warehouse, this means sticking with PrePass for more than 25 years.
Both Lee and Empire were involved in the Crescent Project, a demonstration project involving five states and one Canadian province that began in the mid- 1980’s. This project resulted in the PrePass bypass service we know today. At the time, Lee recognized the value of saving time when traveling into one state that participated in the project. Because of Empire’s good safety record, officials approached him and the fleet. And it was soon after Lee received the benefits of bypassing.

“The value is the time savings we see crossing the various state lines, and it allows you to stay mobile.

“When they opened up the Trinidad, Colorado port of entry in the program [which operated under a joint agreement with New Mexico at the time, according to Lee], we were able to save 10 to 15 minutes each time our trucks came through there because they were able to bypass the weigh station,” he says. “And we’ve stayed with it [PrePass] all these years.”
Today, with PrePass now in every state Empire serves (plus many other states), Lee is able to get even more time savings. That’s especially important because he operates in a region where he says there are backups at most every weigh station his trucks come across. And that time savings also translates into other benefits.
“It’s important for our drivers to meet our schedules. If you can save 45 minutes on a trip that allows a driver, when he gets to the other end, a chance to get that much more rest, that’s important,” Lee says. He added that it is also less stressful on the driver not having to get off and back on the highway. This is because often truckers have to take a winding route to get to the weigh station.
“The value is the time savings we see crossing the various state lines, and it allows you to stay mobile, Lee says. “Any time you don’t have to exit the highway and then get back on the highway, slowing down and speeding up, it’s better for the drivers. It’s also better for the motoring public. If you can continue along the way at highway speeds, it’s just better for everyone from a safety standpoint.”
While less stress and better rested drivers is no doubt a huge benefit of PrePass, according to Lee, there is also another advantage of having PrePass – good
customer service.

“Whenever we call PrePass with an issue or we have any questions, we get answers
quickly. They’ve been honest and open with us over the years.

“Whenever we call PrePass with an issue or we have any questions, we get answers quickly. They’ve been honest and open with us over the years.”
In fact, Lee said he’s had offers to switch to other weigh station bypass services, but he said, “It doesn’t make any sense to make any changes. That’s why we’re sticking with PrePass.”
Long wait times of up
to 45 minutes at weigh stations causing the company to miss its scheduled pick-ups and deliveries, putting more stress and strain on
its drivers.
PrePass allows trucks to keep on traveling past weigh station facilities saving them time.
Empire Warehouse is able to meet its schedules while drivers are able to do their job with less stress, while getting more rest and improving safety.

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